
Keep an eye on your SEO

Saturday, Jun 18, 2011

When I was a kid, i used to read Asterisk and Obelix comics. They were fun. Other than the main two characters (Asterix and Obelix), probably Panoramix the Druid is one among the top characters that someone would remember. You know, Panoramix was the man, he knew the recipe for becoming super strong! With his leadership, his tribe could kick-ass any roman army. He could prepare his magic poison with the ingredients only he knew.

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Optimizando búsquedas con Apache Solr

Tuesday, Apr 19, 2011

Tengo que confesar dos cosas: la primera es que no soy ningun experto en Solr como para escribir sobre él. La segunda, es que la primera vez que ohí hablar de Solr, pensé que era algo reservado para alguien que pretendiese crear el próximo Google, o como mínimo, reservado para portales con un montón de contenido hetereogéneo a indexar. Pero la verdad es que Solr es un producto útil para cualquier mortal a la hora de realizar búsquedas de contenido, y es que, admitámoslo, las búsquedas que podamos hacer en SQL son muy limitadas: a parte del operador LIKE, poca cosa más queda.

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Anemic domain model and the DAO antipattern

Thursday, Apr 7, 2011

I was recently introduced to the anemic domain model antipattern when browsing Play! framework documentation. It’s an interesting topic, although there seems to be some missconceptions about it: some people say it’s not really an antipattern, while others try to avoid it by falling into the DAO antipattern, where you assing persistence responsabilities to the domain objects themselves. First things first, we should clarify what is the domain model and what Martin Fowler defines as an anemic domain model.

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